Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hey, it looks like Mom figured it out before I did!!

Hey, Mom, I'm so slow at some computer stuff sometimes. Could you email me how to put pics up here? I wanted to put a picture of myself on the profile and possibly put a couple art pieces up here, since I've been saying for awhile that I'd do that. We all know how life can be. And since I have the 15 yr. old right now, need I say anything at all to explain why I'm so busy? LOL!

You guys should check out some of the funny videos me and my sis are making on You Tube. You can watch them, comment, rate and if you have an account you can suscribe. We're trying to gain more popularity right now.


Bekah made the name. On the profile page it explains what the name means and a little about us. We are pretty silly, but it may give you a laugh or two, depending on what type of since of humor you have.

Anyway, just wanted to drop in and say hello. I will come by again soon and hopefully put up a few images.


Thursday, June 21, 2007


Some times I know how to spell. its Barbara sorry Barb

Hi Babbara

Good to hear from you.
Sorry you have been so sick. :-( Get well OK.
Cool Morgan, foot ball. Yeah.
Good Scott will be home tonite. I know you miss him and need him.
Zoe is too funny. That child has more personalty in one finger than some folks have in all of them.
Wait till she's 15 :-) I have a hard headed 15 yr. old too.
Rest and get well.
Congrats on the New baby in the Kissel family.

Sorry Been out of the loop for a while

Hello Family,

How is everyone doing??? Sorry I have not posted in a while. I have been sick as a dog for about two weeks. I am starting to feel better now. The doctor told me I had broncitis (sp??), so he put me on strong meds to get me better fast. I have never had it before and kinda strange to get it in the summer time.

Zoe has been taking swim lessons this week and she is doing great. She now can swim underwater by herself. She doesn't like to take lessons at all. She will cry, cough and gag, and as soon as Ms. Nan counts to 3 she will hold her breath and swim. Zoe is so hard headed!!

Morgan is doing weight lifting two times a week and is get really fit. He will start football camp in July for a week. Then when school starts back he will have training four times a week plus games. It should be a busy time for us all then.

Scott is out of town for a guy trip to Denver. He will be home tonight, thank goodness. I am ready for him to come home.

It is so cute because Brian has been calling every other day to check to make sure we are okay.

Other news D.J. and Karen Garrish (Betty-Sue's son) just had a brand new baby boy on June 19th. The new family is doing well!

How is everyone doing out there?? Please update when you can, I read the post everyday!!

Love to you all,

Barbara A.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hi Beth

Hi Beth
You were only venting and that's always OK. Your a good wife and trying to help Jim. He's a good Hubby and working very hard. I'm glad you two found each other.
Maybe you'll find a good job sweetie.
I can only imagine the fear of day care hunting. Glad the center your looking at sounds better than where Ava was, bless your heart. I would hurt a teacher. :-)
Some of the Day care centers here have Video Cams in all the rooms. I hope they do in yours too.
My friend works in a Center with the cam's. She said its great, the parents can go onto the web site and see what the kids are doing and it also protects the kids from harm.
Praying for you guys. xxxxxxxx

B*tchy post

Sorry guys for the whiny, compaining post from yesterday. I was just feeling kind of down about everything. The thought of the boys in daycare just bothers me so much. I know it is a necessary thing but I had to take Ava to daycare when she was 6 weeks old and had bad experiences with them. She came home one time with her head smelling like urine. And when she got older I got a call that Ava had punched a teacher in the nose and bloodied it. Ava told me a year later that the teacher locked her in a closet. So needless to say my experiences with daycare have been less than pleasant.

I know that God will take care of the boys. We actually plan to put them in the daycare Nick used to go to and they are pretty good people. They were able to handle Nick at his worst after he had been thrown out of another center and he loved going there. So it will be okay.

Hope everyone is okay on this rainy Saturday morning. Thinking about you mom, I know the weather is probably bothering you.



Friday, June 15, 2007

Hi Nan

Thanks Nan for calling me last nite and letting me cry. I needed that.
I was such a mess after the HOSP. MRI and the IV screw ups. and on and on lol. TY
Was a nice trip down childhood memory lane with you, its nice to be reminded how strong we are together.
I love you xxxxxxxxx

Hi Beth

Hi sweetie, I know how you feel about going back to work. Thanks why I looked after kids in my home for so many years was to be able to stay home with my kids. But that's not a job for everyone.
I am trying so hard to find work too. Shame I'm not up there cause I could look after the Lil guys for you two.
I'll Pray and something good will come your way. You and Jim are good people. God will bless you.
love, Auntie Dee

Hello Everyone

I am sorry I haven't been on here lately. I have been reading what everyone wrote just haven't posted. Everything is going good here. Unfortunately, Jim and I have decided that I need to go back to work full time. We just cannot make it financially right now without some additional income. I hate the thought of putting Jimmy and Nick in daycare but at least we were blessed enough for me to stay home as long as I did. It seems like when it rains it pours. Ava's dad said he would pay for her to go to camp and now is saying he does not have it. Since we already paid the deposit we have to come up with the rest and she really wants to go. On top of that, I found out that in order for Sarah and Ava to go on to get their black belts in karate we have to come up with $1474 for equipment and uniforms. I was not aware of that when I signed them up. Of course it was in the contract, I didn't read the fine print so my fault.

Anyway, I am glad the girls want to go to black belts, that is something they will always have to be proud of.

Sorry to vent sometimes it feels better just to get it all out. Everyone has problems, at least we are all healthy and that is major. It sucks to feel bad so much like mom and aunt D.

Love you all!


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hey Little Sisters

Dixie and Susan!

It is hard to believe my baby sister is old enough to be going through peri-menopause. Wow! It seems like yesterday I was changing your diapers and teaching you to walk!

I had to call in an postpone my doctor's visit for today. It is rescheduled for Friday at 11:45. The new med MS Cotin has an unfortunate side affect that slipped my mind. I was so miserable that I could not drive over there. And still no relief in site. That's all I am saying about that.

Dixie aren't you happy with all this rain? But why oh why does all rain in NC come in the form of dangerous thunder and lightening storms? Can't we just have some quiet gentle rain for a few days?

Dixie, I am going to try to make it over to your house this weekend. What time does Angie get there? I really do not want to miss her this time. No way! Please don't mind if I grab the couch or somewhere to lie down. :)

Susan, I will let Dixie fill you in on her troubles in getting approved for SSI. Supplement Security Income.

But it is my understanding when I applied that one has to put in a certain amount of money into the Social Security System before they can ever draw benefits. It is based on some kind of quarter system; Dee Dee can fill you in. But if a person has never put a dime into Social Security they can never collect anything except maybe as survivor benefits like for kids.

This is short as I am feeling pretty miserable still in more ways than one.

Love you all,


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hey Sister


Read your notes..... good to see someone on the blog...we had a few quite days.

Nancy, gotta tell you - evey day I check the blog just to see if there is any news...GREAT idea you had.

  1. Believe it or nor your BABY sister is starting to had the same problem - I think it is an age thing....but I am sure yours is worst due to all the medications you are both on.
  2. V. Secrets sound great......let's do it....is there an artist in the family who can draw the design then we can e-mail it to them. (I am joking about the artist - I know there are several---anyone wanna take a shot???)
  3. Nan, I can't believe all the sh_t you have to go through. You go to the doctor they tell you this or that or you need this or that - then you have to fight the system to get it. That really su_ks. You are right - by the time you get finished you are exhausted from fighting for every little thing and every little bit of help you get.
  4. Dee....OGM you are still trying to get IIS? That is outrageous....when we all know there are people out there who NEVER contribute to SS and they get all the benefits and checks they wants and they sit at home on their butts. These are people who play the system and get the benefits, but do not have any medication problems except for being lazy butts.

Nancy...good luck tomorrow I will keep my fingers crossed that you get the medication that you need. I know you are hoping to get on better medications, so you can get off the stuff that barely touches the pain.

Love you both.....

P.S. Love your watch cats.....I have the same problems - my Bo is terrified of thunder/lighten and sever rain storms. He hides in the laundry room.

Love you,


Howdy Dixie:

I was watching the dopler since about 5:30 this morning. I saw where the storms passed over ya'll! It here too but somehow just a smattering of rain hit my street. Lots of thunder and lightening and a tease of rain. Thank goodness you have Jingles!

Midnight and Ashely were under the bed too. Frankie was at my feet; it took him five minutes to realize it was raining. He kept looking around the room for the noise. The window was wide opened but he could not figure it out for the longest time. LOL

You were not supposed to tell that we LEAK. LOL

Great idea for a new company sexy underwear with absorbent padding. OMG!

The doctor's office called back and wants to examine me right away. Why? It is the same ole thing. LOL I honestly think many people don't get fibro and how bad it hurts. Imagine someone standing over you and dropping hot wax on bare skin front back joints muscles all over. And then the ache of a toothache in the muscles and joints constantly. Just washing a few dishes is a major chore. I can hardly hold things like dishes anymore; they end up crashing back into the sink.

Well bottom line is we are appealing the denial, faxing letters and my statement to the drug company. We (the nurse and I both called them) were assurred after they receive the paperwork I will be good to go for the oxycotin for twelve months. I see Dr. Bullard on Wed. at 1:30pm, Wish me luck and that he also gives me something like vicodin for break through pain. I break through on the Oxycotin about 5 and 1/2 to 6 hours after each does and have to wait another three hours. Yuck!

I would love to be able one day not to have to take narcotics for pain. I have been working very hard trying to break up the worst of the trigger and tender points. Spend about two hours a day doing deep massage on them. But there is no cure for fibro or anything else I have. One day maybe. But my doctors advised me not to live on those hopes that it is better to accept this is the way it is.

After 6 days of not getting much pain relief I am exhausted emotionally and physically. I know you get that dear sister.

Got to go and get into bed now.

Love you sister!


Monday, June 11, 2007

Nancy about the bathrooms

I don't mind telling why we need to be near the potties. Its cause we LEAK :-). lol Does that come close?
I'm thinking about talking to Victoria Secrets about Adult Depends like maybe we can start a line of sexy V. Secrets Depends? WHt y'all think?
I love you xxxxxxxxxxxx

hi Nan

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS fighting the Gov. is a full time job. I still get nothing.
I am trying so hard to get a JOB.
But to get a job I need transportation. arggggggggg
Well some how it will work out.
Love you sis and glad your gonna get the med.s you need.
We had a HUGE storm here in Stanly Co. tonite.
I heard the winds come about 45 to 55 MPH. Saw the lightening. Heard the hail hit the windows.
Our brave guard cat Jingles was watching too and then to his guarding post under my BED. He came out about 90 minutes after the storm was over. He wanted me to know all was ok now. :-) What a brave cat he is.
Love you xxxxxxxx

On The Phone This Morning:

after reading through the information about Medicare Drug coverage and appeals. Talked to a sweet guy named Jose at RX America who gave me valuable information about immediate emergency approval for the Oxycotin! Within 24 hours after they receive the faxed copy of a letter by my doctor saying that Oxycotin is the drug that covers my pain and that the other drugs which I have tried to not; I will be able to go to the doc's office, pick up the script and get it filled and paid for by the insurance company. This emergency approval will be good for 12 months.

Fighting government red tape is almost a full time job. Right Dixie? And when one feels awful it makes it all the harder when I just want to sleep and sleep. But I did it. Now the doctor has to do his part.

I have to have some relief; can't live this way.

I pray every day that no one in this family ever gets fibro and/or myofacial pain syndrome; ever. Or suffers Dixie's illness and pain either. Or Rima. Or Jimmy. It is a high maintenance life in addition to the physical pain.

I am tired. I will feel better once the pain is covered again.



Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hi Everyone:

It sure has been quiet around here. Comes in burst and then silence.

Dee-Dee, that is a great idea that Barb and Susan should ask for our campsites to be close together and very close to the bathroom. This is very important for Dixe and I. I can't tell you how much. You don't wanna know.

I have no been posting on here because I am not feeling well at all. The new pain medication is not working at all. All the pain I felt before seeing a pain mgmt doctor has come back as well as the fibro pain which has spread since then. Last Thursday my doctor ordered the morphine doubled to 30 mg every 12 hours and to gradually go to every 8 hours. The PA did not titrate the right dose and I was miserable. Still am feeling pretty bad. I have had to add valium at night to quiet the fibro and to be able to sleep.

This is a big giant step backwards; four years backwards. My new insurance won't pay for the oxycotin; they have already denied it. So my doctor and I are going to ask for special circumstances; he has to write them a letter on my behalf and so do it.

I am not sleeping much. I am not eating well or doing much of anything around the house except taking care of the furr babies and some care of me but not much.

And here I thought having drug coverage was going to make things better. Was I ever naive.

Love you all,


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Hi Suzie and Barbara

About getting to the camp site early and your request. One thing you can add is tell them you have a couple of family members with Disabilities and we need to keep the family together to help the ones who are disabled. Your would be surprised how well that works theses days cause of the Americans with disabilities act.
Can't hurt any way lol I hope.
Love ya xxxxxxxxxx
P.S. and yes close to the potty.