Sunday, April 8, 2007

Hi Ava:

Stepanie at two hours
Stepanie at one hour
Ava, these are called WIPs works in progress.

Valri at four hours and I call this one done.
Valri at three hours

Valri at two hours

It tickled me pink seeing you posting on the blog yesterday! Heck ya! Thank you so much for your willingness to let me have your bedroom for a little while. Your Mom told me when she asked you about it you did not hestitate for one second; just said yes. That's my girl; sweet, kind and willing to help!

I plan on working for room and board. I am going to get your mom and Jimmy's flower beds rocking with color! I plan on helping your mom in the kitchen too. It will be fun cooking for a family again.

And this is the kicker; I will ask your mom and Jimmy if I can clear a small place in the garage for my studio. And I want to give you, Becca, Morgan and Sarah too if she is interested lessons in drawing and painting. I have plenty of pencils and tubes of watercolor and acrylic paints. Ya'll may have to use your allowance to buy some watercolor paper though. I am way low on my supply of watercolor paper. I have plenty of drawing tablets so that is covered too.

I have my drawing table and three other easels. Well one of them I gave to your momma and she forgot it. So that is covered too. I think this will be a lot of fun; when I was a kid I loved playing school and being the teacher.
Did you know that most famous artists were very very poor when they were alive? Most lived in apartments without heat or hot water and many did not become famous or even sell a painting till after they passed away. Especially the Impressionist painters living in Europe during the 17 and 18th century. The rare except was Van Gogh; his family was rich and he gave money to his painter friends like Claude Monet. He kept many of them from starving. I guess this is where the term "Starving artist" came from.

Ava, I wanted to let you know that I am feeling so much better than I was last summer. I don't sleep like I did then either. I just sleep about six hours at night and then rest for only an hour in the afternoon but don't fall asleep like before. Isn't this good news? I know my sleeping so much last summer was a complete bore for all three of you kids. I was recovering from the heart attack and feel really good now. I know I was a boring old granny last summer. LOL And expect to get better even more with you guys so close.

How did you like your painting of Beyonce? She is such a beautiful woman and it was fun painting her. How did Becca like Johnny Depp? And Nick did he like his pirate? And Sarah how did she like her Goddess?

Have you talked to Morgan and did he like his paintings? What about Zoe? Did she like her ballerinas?

I did a portrait of you, Morgan and Zoe for your auntie Barbara and Uncle Scott. I wasn't happy how it turned out. I was just beginning to learn how to paint with watercolors. I have improved since then. I think. LOL

Did you like the painting of your Mom and little Jimmy? I wasn't happy with the results of that one either. At the time I did the best I could. But have been practicing a lot doing portraits since then.

These portraits are drawings I did this weekend for a friend and her neice; Valri is the aunt and Stepanie is the niece; on the art site I hang out at. We have this competition called Weekend Drawing Events and it starts at 6 pm on Fridays. I think I am better with pencils on portraits than brushes. LOL

Okay got to go. I love you Ava Marie! And can't wait to see you and the rest of my grandchilren real soon! I am so proud of you and your willingness to let me borrow your bedroom. That could not have been easy. I remember when I was young I loved privacy a lot. I shared as much as possible but sometimes that wasn't easy. So I appreciate your sacrifice!

Grandma Cookie

1 comment:

Beth said...

hi thanks for the blog i loved my beyonce pic! i just told you on the phone how much i loved it rember you heard the baby laughing! well i have to go but i love you and can't eait to see you again! Lol
