Saturday, May 5, 2007

Dear Susan

How kind and generous you are dear sister! We all appreciate it very very much that you have offered us help to be at the Reunion!

Oh my! I had forgotten totally about that wedding. Too bad it was so crazy that I didn't get alone time with you all. That was 2/14/1992! 15 years and much too long. Well we are fixing that now.

Thank you Sue for understanding and volunteering my services as the phtographer. LOL. It will be my pleasure.

I am so relieved that the bomb scare at Bekka's school was a hoax. I was home though and answering my phone. Dee Dee must have dialed the wrong number. I understand completely. My mind has gone blank when trying to place a call in an emergency. Thank goodness for speed dial!

We are having a lot of this activity around the Charlotte area too. One student threatened to kill two other students; thought better of it and drove off and committed suicide. He was 16 and it was over a girl he was in love with. How sad. His parents were summoned and they knew where he would go and arrived in time to witness this act. How terrible for the parents and the entire family as well as the police who were there.

Dear teenagers: there is nothing so terrible that you cannot discuss it with your parents! Please remember this. And I think everyone in the family feels like we are all there for you too. If this is not acceptable please talk to someone; preferrably a professional counselor or minister. If you are feeling dark, sad, lonely and are thinking dark thoughts get help right away. We love you unconditionally. This goes for anyone in the family too!

I am working my butt off right now. Trying to get the house totally cleaned while decluttering at the same time. Tomorrow; health and weather permitting I am having a yard sale. As I am cleaning I am finding things I no longer use. They are going up for sale; if they do not sell to the trash or Freecycle. I have to lighten my load around here as much as possible and make some money. I need to get that water heater replaced as soon as possible. I miss my theraputic hot bath in the jazcussi each night and I can feel a big difference in the pain levels.

The anti-depressant Celexa is working wonders. My mental state has improved so much. I am not eating as much junk food either and have lost about 15 pounds. I gained about 20 after the heart attack; post HA depression is pretty common. So this is good to get the weight off.

My friend Gayle is cleaning out her closet too. She has gained a lot of weight and there are some cute clothing (mostly summer stuff) that she has given me. Clothing that is very soft; lightweight, loose and colorful. Nice clothing of good quality. I have not been able to afford anything in the way of clothes in three years; bought nothing new. So I am a happy camper. I need to hem the pants though. They are very nice and I love the soft light fabric. With fibro, some materials irritate the skin and muscles. And tight clothing is a thing of the past. All these new pants all have pockets too!

Congrats Morgan on the excellent grades!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If ya'll have not talked to Zoe in awhile please put this on your To Do List. This child is a hoot! Some how she and I have worked out this Tell Grandma Cookie about your Boo Boos relationship! The other day she made me laugh so hard. She was telling me her butt was bleeding. She scratched herself. You just had to be there to hear this conversation. Warning: She talks real fast! LOL What a little doll!

So while I am doing all this work around the house; my pain levels have increased dramatically. But I want to finish it. So I keep on keeping on. I know for sure after almost 8 years I am not doing any more damage; that once I am done and rest it will go back to "normal" terrible pain. LOL

I am sure we can figure out some transportation for Dixie and family. I think Angie is coming so that may be the answer! I will be riding along with one of my daughters; who ever has the room for my big butt.

Dear Beth, I know first hand how much work and how hetic life can be when taking care of five kids. You two girls and Brian (who counted at three boys in one). So don't worry about it. Come in here when you can. Hubby and kids come first we understand this.

Okay I need to get back to work. I love you all and I am truly looking forward to this reunion!

Love you all very very much,

Nancy, Mom, Grandma Cookie

1 comment:

Dixie said...

Hi Nancy
You have your spirit back sis I hear it. Rock on.
You may not be able to shop but your like Auntie Ann, you are always beautiful and dress fit to kill always just like Ann.
Joe took Celexa before too. He did great on it. I have no Idea why the doctors took him off it and put him on what ever he takes now. But He was happy and laughed more when he took Celexa.
Rock On Nan xxx
I love you