Sunday, January 7, 2007

More Tornado Worries Tonight:

We are under a tornado watch until 3am. So weird having this happen in Jan! I have had one hell of a time getting the pain under control with meds and deep breathing today. I am fighting a loosing battle with weather like this. I have taken two 200 mg of celebrex and some motrin along with my regular pain med.

I wish I could use medicinal MJ but it is against the pain contract with the pain clinic. If I got caught in this state I would be kicked out of the program. Not going to risk it. But I have heard good things about how this helps with chronic pain.

Today I have rested a lot in spite of the many things I had to do today. I just managed to feed me and the pets. I did one load of laundry and folded it. Both sinks are full of dishes. The trash baskets are all over flowing. I get so overwhelmed sometimes and frustrated.

Both of my knees and surrounding muscles are on fire tonight. I think I will get into a nice hot bath and try to get some sleep by 11:30. The things I should have done today have to be done before lunch tomorrow.

There are not enough hours in the day to care for me, the pets and taking care of the house and paying bills etc. I thought I could manage all this when I stopped working. What a dreamer I am.

But, I love you all!


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