Monday, January 15, 2007


I got up about 10 and fixed coffee and checked email. Then I got ready to go to my doctor to pick up the prescriptions. I called first to make sure that they were open.

I drove the 25 miles to the doctor in a 55mph zone doing 42 mph four cars behind the van driving slow. Slow drivers need their butts kicked. It took almost 45 min on this country road.

When I came home I fed me and the pets. Laid down for a few minutes at 2:15 and woke at 6:30. My body hurts so bad! The middle of my back where the discs are bad is aching so much. All that and the tingling in my hands and feet, the ache and burn in both knees, the electrical shocks in the muscles and my hips hurt too. I am sweating profusely.

I have not done any cleaning. I have not taken a shower. I have done no work that is piling up. Thank you notes to write. Packages to mail. Mortgage will be late tomorrow and so I have to drop that off sometime tonight. I have no energy.

All this from driving 50 miles.............

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