Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Bekah and Julia

Hi Dixie:

I am so sorry it has taken so long to get your photos up here on the Blog. But they are here at last. Your daughter and her friend Julia are beautiful young women now. I remember when Julia was an infant and you were taking care of her while her mother worked. And now look at them both.
Bekah, I see that blue chewing gum! LOL
With the warmer weather I am feeling better. Getting outside a lot and working in the yard. It took me ten days to cut my grass. The weeds were a foot tall and the battery kept running out. It should be easy to maintain now that it is short; the grass that is.
Beth, I am glad that you are feeling better and that your husband has recovered so well! It was great talking to him on the phone Sunday!
Nick, Grandma Cookie wants to talk to you! Very much! I l0ve you kiddo! If you talk to me I will give you a cookie! Beth and your Daddy are coming to visit me. So I am going to make some chocolate chip cookies and you can have one but ya got to talk to me on the phone first okay? You do like chocolate chip cookies right?
Beth, I am sending you home with these cookies. Could you put some in the freezer and save for Morgan and Zoe please? It isn't very often that I feel well enough to bake. So these will become Collector Items and probably worth millions. LOL
Have ya'll been watching Dancing With the Stars? Heather Mills did a backward walkover flip last night and I was amazed. I always cheer her on. She is an amazing person doing all she does with just one leg and the other one artificial. My mouth was hanging open when I saw her do it and then I stood up and cheered. Scared the cats and set the dog to barking. LOL
Beth, I am very proud of you for getting back into Karate and Kick Boxing. Get good so you can kick some a**! Start with the smart aleck instructor. LOL
Mom, Grandma Cookie,Nancy

Monday, March 26, 2007

Happy Monday

Kind of quiet on here as of late. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday so far. I would love to still be in bed:).

Everything is good here. Nicks toe is on the mend. Everyone is out of school this week and next for intercession and spring break. Ava went to her dads for the week.

I started karate class with the kids. I am in there with a bunch of little kids but that is the beginner family class and one of the points was so we could all be together anyway. We worked on flying sidekicks on Thursday. It was quite humorous. The instructor said and I quote, "That was a good sidekick but try getting off the ground next time." I looked at him and said, "I am 34 years old and about 70 pounds overweight, you try to get off the ground carrying that package." He laughed. I can joke about it because I am working hard to lose this extra weight.

Love you all and I hope you have a great week.


Thursday, March 22, 2007


9x11.5 on Strathmore watercolor paper 140lbs with Van Gogh WC paint and Winsor & Newton brushes

This is one I did last weekend. It is of a cabin in Cades Cove, TN. I found the reference photo in the library on the art site I hang out on. I hope you like it. I am having one heck of a time fighting Frankie for possession of brushes, small bottles of paint for washes and the tubes of paint and wc pencils. He also insists on drinking the water out of the yogurt cup I use for water. He rolls the small bottles off the table and under the bed. He takes the pencils and flips them up in the air and attacks them like they are mice. The tubes get batted around the house at 4am. I hide my stuff before going to bed but he always finds them. What to do! I think he is jealous of the time I spend painting and not on him.

Thank you Barb and Beth for the compliments about the new watercolor paintings. I am loving this medium though it is hard to control it as the paint just flows onto the paper and there isn't much control. It is done loosely and I have never been one to paint or even draw loosely; liking very detailed work. But I am doing it. LOL

I am having fun mixing colors. I mixed the blue from just two tubes of very expensive watercolor paint. This stuff is not cheap. And the paper; one has to use a heavy paper to avoid buckling and take all that water. I am glad that ya'll like them.

The one of Maureen O'hara is done completely in watercolor paints so I think I can take on the portraits ya'll want me to do for you.

Phyllis wants me to do a portrait of all five grandchildren. Beth wants me to do a portrait and Barb you wanted me to do the one of you and Zoe. So send me the reference photos so I can get started. :)

Let me see if I can find some more fun photos of you girls with your baby brother. I loved it when you guys dressed him up too complete with my wig. You guys made me laugh so hard so many times when you were kids. I almost peed my pants laughing every single day!



your artwork


I love the new work you have done, makes me happy that spring is here. Zoe liked the cat drawing the best.

I let Brian know that you posted birthday wishes for him, so the next time he is over I will make sure he reads it. You should have posted the picture where Beth and I had dress him up as a girl. That picture still cracks me up.

He had called me the other day checking in on you to make sure you were okay. I think Brian might be on his way to pulling his head out of his behind!!

I am going to give you a call tonight around 8, you can talk with the rug rats. Zoe should be full of energy at that time, the last burst of it before bedtime.

Hey everyone start posting here!!! This is not the Nancy, Dixie, Beth and Barb blog!!!! :)



Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Dear Jimmy & Beth: Thank you

for helping me today by paying my telephone bill. I appreciate it so much. Very very much! I will be sending you a check the second that tax refund check comes in. Our luck it will probably come in tomorrow's mail.

I was trying to be brave about the possibility of not having phone service. But the thought was scarey. I count on my phone to get help if I need it and to stay in contact with my family, friends and on line buddies. It had been bothering me so much since I found out the cut off date on Friday. Like I need one more thing darn it.

I am going to have a yard sale on Friday and Sat.; the weather will be perfect. I feel up to it this year. I did so well in 2005 but I could not manage in last year. I am going to try to sell some paintings this weekend too.

I think the new medication for depression is kicking in so fast. I feel more optomistic than I have in a long time.

Anyway thank you both so very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is some stuff I have been doing with watercolors. Barb & Scott sent me birthday money and I spent it at Hobby Lobby buying watercolor paints and heavy paper. I hope ya'll like these.


PS I want to talk to Nick on the phone. Let me know when he is smiling and wanting to talk to Grandma Cookie please. :)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Dear Grandchildren:

Hey Morgan, I did not know about your interest in football. Very cool. Just be careful out there okay? Weight training is good stuff. You are going to have lots of muscles in a few months. How about a picture?

Zoe, keep up with your dancing girl. I hope I can come to see your recital some day soon. I would like nothing better than to see you dance. I love to dance too.

Nick, how is that foot healing up? I hope you are doing okay and not hurting too much!

Ava, I miss talking to you. How is school doing?

Becca, how are you doing? And your boyfriend?

Sarah, I hope you are doing well too. 16, I can't believe you are 16 already.

Little Jimmy, it is so hard to believe you are running all through the house. The last time I saw you; you were still tiny and I just loved holding you in my arms. And having you lay next to me in your sleep after I fed you.

I miss my grandchildren so much. And I am hoping that I get somewhat better so I can come to visit you all. It has been too long now.


Grandma Cookie

Happy Birthday Brian:

To my sweet son; I wish you a Happy Happy Birthday! I cannot believe you will be 31 on Friday! The years just have gone by so fast.

You were such a cute little baby boy and we all were so happy to have you with us. Especially your sisters with their baby brother. They could not do enough for you. I have a photo I will scan that I took of you and your sisters. It was diaper changing time and they were helping me. They somehow completely covered you in baby powder. I think it was Barbara's idea. LOL

No matter what Brian, I am so very proud of you. Life has not been easy for you. I know this. But still you have such a good outlook on life and you have some very good values. I wish that I could have done more for you my dear son. Never doubt that I love you with all my heart and have done so since the moment I held you in my arms the first time. My sweet baby boy who is now a man.

Hold your head up high, take pride in your accomplishments and don't sweat when ignorant persons put you down. They do this because they are insecure about themselves. Just stay the sweet man you are and do your best.I love you so much Brian!

Barbara and Beth could ya'll make sure he sees this the next time he comes over to your house. And give my son a big birthday hug and kiss for me.



Update and checking in

Hello All,

First of all let me give a birthday hello to all the birthday girls!!!! Time goes by so quick when you become a parent.

Morgan is now all signed up for football, he is very happy. He is also doing weight training twice a week. He will have a busy summer with practice.

Zoe is still enjoying ballet and tap, she will be having a program in May for all to see. She will be starting pre-k in the August. I can't believe she is starting school already.

I am still on the mend after my surgery. It is taking a little while to get better. I did a little to much house work and that set me back a few days. Lesson learned!!!

Mom, Beth told me her and Jim are going to visit you soon. I am sending you a little something I hope you will enjoy it. About your phone bill, will they let you have an extention??? Or have you already asked??

Beth, how is Nick Nack toe doing???

Love to everyone,


Sunday, March 18, 2007


Happy Birthday Rebekah
Nancy is right you were so Prayed for and Wanted and you still are.
I don't think you know how much we love you sweetheart.
My Tippy toed girl. Maybe thats why your legs are so beautiful cause of the way you walked on your toes all that time.
Life has so much for you Bekah. Don't rush into anything ok, take your time and enjoy your life. You will go far.
Study hard and keep your focus on God and he will always guide you.
I love you xxxxxxxxx

My Telephone

My Telephone wil be cut off at 9am on Tuesday morning. I had to make a choice to pay the water bill or the telephone. So I won't have a phone again until April 3rd when I get my check from Social Security. And so that means I won't have internet either. So I will be back soon hopefully.



Happy Birthday Tippy Toed Girl!

I remember the exact moment when I found out you would be soon joining our family. I answered the phone in the kitchen and it was my sister with news that a woman in our family was expecting a baby. She made me guess. I said Susan right off the bat. No. Then Valerie. No. Then Rima. No and I gave up. I was so shocked when Dixie told me that she and Joe were expecting.

It wasn't that it was impossible but we all had been told that is was highly improbable that Angie would ever have a sibling. Well the doctors were wrong. Delightfully wrong. We were all so happy that day and from then on!

I started hitting yard sales for baby items. And I even found some designer sleepers that looked brand new. I went shopping right after you were born with Susan. I bought you a dressing table and a couple of cute baby girl outfits. So did Susan.

What a surprise to us when you started walking. Up on your toes like a ballerina. I think you continued it for so long (months I think) because you got such attention by walking that way. It was so cute. And your calf muscles got to be really built this way. It was adorable. We were all kinda sad when you stopped doing it.

Your parents wanted you so much. Many many years before you were born. Never doubt how much you were wanted and prayed for especially by your parents and your sister. And the rest of your family!

So have a happy happy birthday! I can hardly believe you are 15! I love you!



Saturday, March 17, 2007

Hi Sis

Hi Sis
I would like you to write about my Tippy toe lil girl all grown up now into a beautiful special young woman.
SHe will make a wonderful Lawyer someday or what ever she will be.
Love you xxxx

Friday, March 16, 2007

Dear Morgan:

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your teacher. This must be very difficult to deal with.

Your mom told me about this and what kind of woman she was. She was too young to die! 40 is so young! But your mom is right; she got to do the things she loved to do in her life. Her students meant the world to her and she loved teaching.

Please don't keep your grief inside. Talk to your parents and I am here too. What you are feeling is so normal. Sad but very much okay. I think the students having a Memorial service for your teacher is such a wonderful and marvelous thing to do; what a tribute to a great teacher!

I love you!

Grandma Cookie

The Cold Weather is Back!

Well just in time for the weekend and it is raining too. But we need the rain.

Beth, I am glad that Nick is getting better. I know how hard it must be to monitor this young man with a broken toe and hurt toenail. Protecting kids when they hurt themselves is not easy. And then when they do hurt their boo boo they blame their mommies and daddies. Broken toes hurt and there is not too much that can be done about it.

Ava & Becca; girls will be girls. LOL How I remember what it was like being your age. All adults were the enemy. They said no just to piss me off and deny me the things I wanted. Grown ups are so not smart. And highly irritating and embarrassing to hang around with.
Funny story about Barbara (your auntie) when she was 13 or so. We used to shop at KMart. And yes sometimes I did buy their clothes there. Oops! The equivalent of buying clothes at Wal Mart today! No! No!

We were planning a trip to the KMart and Barbara balked. She explained how it would mean the end of her world if one of her friends saw her there. I let her talk it out. Then I said she had to go because I could not leave her at home alone. And told her that if she saw one of her friends there that they would have to keep it a secret from the rest of the kids at school. Then she told me a joke What do birds say when they fly over KMart? Cheep Cheep Cheep!

I cannot believe my niece will be 15 on Sunday. Well she will get her own thread for this.

Dixie, thank you for posting a birthday thread for Valerie. I wasn't feeling very well yesterday; two doctors appointments.

I tried to save your reduced size photos to my Photos on Yahoo and it refused them. This happened before at Christmas time; Yahoo only took three of the six photos you sent me. Do you have a virus on your computer? I am wondering.

Here is the page with the step by step instructions on how to upload photos. Give it a shot. Just print it out; go step by step to do it. It is really very easy. Just give it a try. If you just cannot let me know here and I will try again.

I wish more of us would post pictures here. Ya'll are going to be red faced when you see how simple it is to upload photos. I have faith that ya'll can do it.

Well I am in group therapy where I really didn't want to be. I would be apprehensive of accidentally saying she rather than he in this neck of the woods. The Pronoun Game; we call it. The therapist; Jill wanted me to be in the depression group. I feel that my depression is a direct result of the pain I am feeling.

When the pain is really bad like from the bad weather; or if I have done too much, or didn't get enough sleep or slept in a bad position the depression gets deep. When the weather is good and I have been taking good care, the depression lifts a lot.

So we decided together that I should attend the Chronic Pain group. I told her about the Spoon Theory on www.butyoudontlooksick.com. She liked it a lot.

I went to SE Pain and my shrink yesterday. I am exhausted from all the driving. I saw the PA and she had never had a patient with fibro and myofacial pain syndrome so she had to palpitate as many trigger and tender points she could find. Those little boggers do not like to be poked at all. Last night was bad.

I am on two new meds. Elavil, which is a common drug used to treat the pain and fatigue of fibro. I can't believe no doctor has suggested it yet. Almost all of the fibro people I know use this medication. And I am back on Celexa the first anti-depressant I ever used which was very good. She was very doubtful of the side affects I reported on Cymbalta; contributed it to getting off wellbutrin four months before? Oh well. Bottom line this medication messed with my head big time and I am not taking it anymore despite her urging me too.

So Beth, the three months supply of Cymbalta I have here is all yours. As soon as ya'll get up here that is.

I don't think I have posted any paintings for March yet. I haven't done that many. I have been out in the yard working when I had the chance.

Barbara, how are you feeling? It has been two weeks since the surgery. You should be feeling a lot better by now. I think you should post a photo of the New You! Seriously!!!!!!!!!

Dixie, may I have the pleasure of doing your daughter's birthday thread? Okay I have to go to do some errands now. Getting my new scripts filled. Wish me luck!

Oh about the letter to Choice Hotels? Has anyone written them yet? I did get a letter from the manager of the Sleep Inn. He said that they could not allow me to swim there because the pool was for guests only. That is a reason but not good enough. With some pressure perhaps we can persuade them to change their minds. Some of my internet friends are writing too. I have my fingers crossed permanently for his.

Take care everyone and Spring is almost here!



Thursday, March 15, 2007

Happy Birthday Valerie xxx

I don't know if you ever see the blog Valerie. But I just wanted to tell you Happy Birthday.
I just found out from Suzie that you were living in the Miami area again. I need your Number.
I wanted to call you and sing happy birthday to you.
I can still remember the first time I saw your sweet little face. I was so happy to have another sister. After Eric and Allen as special as they are it was good to have you join us.
Each and every one of you brothers and sisters are all so special in your own way.
I love you all.
I sent Nancy two Pic's Of Bekah to post on the blog for me when she is able to do that for me.
I don't know how to do all that stuff.
I'm just busy trying to find a Job and I may have found one today. I'll let you know.
Were having about 20 or more High School Teens here Saturday Nite for Bekah's 15th. Birthday. Will be a blast to be invaded by Cheere leaders, football players etc........... :-) (not)
Love y'all xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nancy I hope you get to swim in the warm pool sis

Maddux Household

Hello again!

I hope everyone is well and enjoying this spring weather. We are all doing good here.

Nicks toe is slowly mending, it was broken by the way. Very hard for a busy 4 year old who is in karate and baseball. He can't do either right now and has not been in school. He will go back to school on Friday. I will find out on Tuesday when he can resume his extracurricular activities.

The girls are doing well. All the girls are making A's and B's and are doing well except for the attitudes from Ava and Becca. I think it is the age thing not that we are allowing them to get away with it. Sarah is a joy right now at almost 16. She went through her drama early and has now gotten herself together.

Little Jimmy is walking and into everything. He is trying to talk. He says thank you, dada, good, all done, Becca, yes, and stop. Although we are the only ones that recognize the words, he calls me and Jim dada. He is a good little boy but very outgoing. He is doing the usual 13 month old temper tantrums but they are very short lived. Hopefully, they will stay that way. I guess he realizes they don't work because I just walk away from him when he does it.

Jims back is doing 99% better thanks to a good chiropractor. It is so nice not to see him in pain all the time and not be able to do anything to help him. I wish I could say the same for you mom.

Anyway, that is the update here. Would love to read about what everyone is up to?

Barbara, how is the baby? I can't wait to see more pictures.



Monday, March 12, 2007

Swimming in a heated pool:

Okay family. I am asking again for help in getting the folks at Choice Hotels to grant me permission to use their pool for four days at week about 30 min a day.

My doctor, Dr. Graham Bullard at SE Pain has been advising me (for almost four years) that he feels this will help so much with the arthritis and more importantly the myofacial pain and fibromyalgia. He is certain that swimming will reduce and may even turn active trigger and tender points either latent (not active) or get rid of them entirely.

I have hundreds of trigger/tender points and new ones keep popping up. I am having trouble brushing my hair now because they are now in my scalp. I wash my hair, wrap it in a towel and then pull it back gently into a ponytail. Brushing and combing causes terrible pain.

So please take a few mintues of your time to write to this hotel and ask that they let me use the heated pool and tell them how important it is. I see my doctor on Thursday and asked that another letter on letterhead be written as well. If everyone in the family wrote I think it could influence them in a positive way.

This is the contact information and the name of the hotel is Sleep Inn in Kannapolis, NC:

Mr. Dean Tarasenko
Manager of Customer Relations Dept.
Choice Hotels International
PO Box 1748
Minot, ND 58702
Tele: 1-800-300-8800
Fax: 701-858-5719

I went back into therapy last Friday. I felt that it was the best. I stopped taking anti-depressant Cymbalta (which was also prescribed to help with the fibro pain and boy does it ever work for pain!) last Nov because it was making me feel very very down. This happens sometimes.

Most likely will be back on another anti-depressant too. I have to admit I cannot do this alone and be effective.

Dear Beth, thank you so much for offering to be my Buddy for support. As we talked about on the phone; this would probably not be a good idea. A Buddy for depression needs to be someone that one can talk to openly; as your mother I would be doing you a big favor saying no. I would prefer we keep our wonderful and loving Mother/Daughter relationship. You and Jimmy have done so much to help me, so supportive and are always there to listen too. I appreciate it very much. Doing this would have been ever so much harder without you both. Yes, Dixie Beth is a sweet woman! :)

Nicholas is doing much better. It looks like he is going to loose that toenail for certain. Please give him a Grandma Cookie hug for being a big boy at the hospital! Oh I remember what it was like having small children and all the boo boos especially with Brian!

I had a pretty calm weekend. Didn't do much. Just tried to follow the advice of my therapist and devote the time to taking care of me and not worrying about so many other things. I spent several hours outside this weekend and that is always a good thing. I got some veggie seeds planted and two tomatoe plants I bought put into pots. Yellow squash! I am so glad this winter is almost over. This one was a particularly bad one for me this year and I don't exactly know why.

I hope you all are doing well!



Friday, March 9, 2007


Drama at the Maddux household tonight, as usual. We were putting together a Lego building and our kitchen bench seat fell over on Nicholas's toe. Jim just took him to the ER. I had to stay because the baby was sleeping and Ava had friends over, I couldn't leave all of them unsupervised as much as I wanted to be with him. His toe nail was completely lifted up and from what I could see, it looked as if a chunk of his toe was coming up with it. Sorry to gross yall out.

He was a brave little guy, I think I would have raised more hell than he did.

I will let everyone know how he is.


Depression and Wellness:

Perhaps this is not the best place to talk about this subject. But if you cannot talk about your depression to your family who can you speak about it too?

Before I forget here is a site I would suggest reading about depression, how it affects the person and the family and yes it even includes ways to help a depressed family member.


While I feel that I must deal with my other health issues as they are important too; I cannot manage most of it very well because of the depression. As many of you know I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder in July of 2005.

I have had mild depression most of my life; it was called situational depression or clinical as they are calling it now. It started as a child; most of the time I functioned very well. But when there was a traumatic event; the depression kicked in. Not every time and not every time was bad. I think the two events that stick out the most is when my mother passed away and the divorce and a few years following the divorce. I saw a doctor at that time who listened to me and then pronounced me depressed. This was in 1981 and I was so angry when he said that. But I agreed to and followed treatment and felt better till Momma died. I did nothing then.

Well a year after my car accident; another doctor diagnosed me as depressed and then it has been a struggle ever since. A shrink said I had gone past clininal depression into Major depressive disorder.

Struggling with the establisment and social services. Struggling on a daily basis to keep my home, to take care of me, to maintain the pets, to maintain contact with family, to be able to see a doctor, to be able to pay for the medications I need, to be able to buy food, etc. It hasn't been easy. It has been unbelievable hard.

Daymark Recovery Services kicked me out of the program because I missed a few appointments because of physical pain and fatigue. I did not fight it as I did not have the energy. Even though educating them was important; making sure that having reasonable accommodations for patients with disabilities is important and critical. I am ready to do this. I am ready to get back into therapy and do what it takes to get better and stronger.

Of the things that are affecting my health negatively; depression probably should head the list. Without being in treatment for depression; I have difficulty working on the other things I need to do like:

  • Stop smoking
  • Eating right
  • Exercise program- even starting one and maintaining it right now seems overwhelming.
  • Getting out and socializing with others- I am frozen to the house. I am terrified to meeting people other than casual at the store, etc.

I realize that most of the work will be up to me. But I need help from my family. You guys have no idea how hard it is to speak of this. But even harder is to ask for help. And when I ask for help, being ignored is heart breaking and reinforces the feelings of being unworthy, I cannot do this without the emotional support of my family. And I am not the only one in the family with depression issues either.

I posted the Support Partners brochure in hopes that someone in the family would be able to be my Partner. Please read it before agreeing to it because it is time consuming and takes a committment on the Partner and the one with depression.

I agree with Beth. I need to be closer to my family. But if I don't get better with the depression I cannot accomplish so many other things I have to do. Deciding which comes first moving to Atlanta or getting help with my depression is not a which comes first the Chicken or the Egg debate. Getting treatment and support for depression has to come first.

So yes, I need a Buddy. A person willing to make this committment of time. I am also willing to Buddy someone else in the family who needs it. One of the things my therapist recognized when in cognitive behavioral therapy is one of my coping mechanisms is to real out and help others. She said if it works; go for it.

I am so sorry for bringing up an unpleasant topic. But it is a reality that I live with and I know I am not the only one in this family who deals with depression.



Catching Up:

It is good to see a lot of posts from the family and then Morgan and Big Jimmy's daughter Becca posting is great too!

I think that I am loosing the battle against diabetes. My doctor warned me strongly that I was heading this way in Sept. 2005. As far back as I can remember there has been some problems with my glucose levels and I had some serious issues with it when pregnant with Brian. Gestational diabetes.

I have been feeling very fatigued lately; more than normal. I am getting up to use the bathroom a few times a night which is not normal for me. Also I have a weird body odor; a sickly sweet smell that is scaring me. Some cuts from falling are not healing well. I have been having a great deal of pain in my feet for a few years now. And have been in denial about the possibility of being a diabetic. I had too many other health issues and the battles since I lost my job to concentrate on another problem. I am going to call my doctor and make an appointment tomorrow. I will let you all know what is up.

Life is very hard for me. I try so hard to make it. And to be cheerful. It is not easy being so alone like this. But not ready go give up and I keep saying to myself I can make it. I wish and pray everyday I can get better and be a part of this family again. I wish I could have some good news to report sometimes too. I am trying very hard to.



Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Any one home?

Where are you guys hiding at? lol
The only New Post I see are mine and the only comments to the post are mine.
My Mom said its not good to talk to my self. Opps nots not what Momma said. Momma said its ok to talk to my self but gets scary when we answer our selves. :-)
So now I'm blogging to my self and replying too, YIKES I really must get back out into the working world.
Hey Barbara B. (Eric's Barb.) Congrates to you and Ralph. Your both working so hard. It will bless you guys later. Well done on the Truck Driving Trainging Ralph.
Barbara your doing great with School too sweetheart. Its hard to go back to school with two small Children and your Hubby on the road too.
Rita is almost finished school I hear from Eric. Well Done Rita.
About the time you guys get finished it will be time for Valerie and I to send our Girls to college. WOW and the beat goes on.
Love you all xxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Happy Birthday Susan
Loved talking to you this morning, even if it was a short call. Was good to hear you.
Its been a long time since we have taked. Lets do that more.
Tell everyone hi from me please when you see our family.
Well its about time Allen catches up to us in 2007, maybe Dad will catch up too? lol We would all faint.
I'm busy planning a 15th. Birthday party too.
Love you and have a wonderful Birthday.
God Bless you xxxxxxxx

Monday, March 5, 2007

Welcome Back Everyone!

I am glad to see ya'll back in here. I was about ready to give up on this idea; thought no one was interested. I am happy to see that I was wrong.

I don't feel well right now so won't be here long to comment on all the new posts today. I will catch up with all the news later; maybe tomorrow.



PS I was happy to see Becca posting today Beth and I left her a little note in the Comment box.

Sunday, March 4, 2007


Hi Everyone
Hope you had a good weekend.
Hope we all get togehter soon.
This blogg is awesome Nancy. I love it and missed getting on to read and reply. Thanks for helping us to get back.
Well I'm out of work again as of last week. :-(
The company was brand new and just got in a mess and is filing bankrupt.
I have an apt. tomorrow morning with Vocational Rehab, They will try to help me find work.
they know about my MS and the lady helping me knows how much I have been falling lately. I showed her my legs and bruised knees. OUCH
So y'all Pray they can help me find work.
I miss my job and the pay check too.
A friend of mine is giving me a brand new Jazzy scooter to help me get around. :-) Cool.
When I visit Barbara I can give Zoe a ride. She loved my can, she called it horsey. :-)
Love ya. and glad to be blogging agian.
xxxxxxxxxxxx as Barb and Beth say "Love yeah, Mean it"


Hi everyone,

Sorry I have been out of the loop lately...so much happening at work the past few weeks. I have been putting in a lot of hours and have been in Statesboro quite a bit starting up a new account. Our division started 5 new accounts since January 1, 2007 which is a record for our division. We have 3-5 proposals pending. If we close and start them during March is could be a record for 1st quarter in the whole company.

I missed writing to everyone, Nancy thanks for taking care of everything, I was having a hard time getting logged on.

Thanks for the birthday message you are so thoughtful and wonderful. Do you realize that you hold so many memories of all of us. With your talent you could write about your memories as a keepsake.

I love hearing you and Dee talk about the wonderful things you did with Mom and each of us. I know I love sharing with everyone....like the time Barb and I played in what we thought was mud - ended up being fertilizer (sp) and all you could see was the whites of our eyes. You had to strip us down outside and hose us off.

This things keep our youth a live - but more important they keep Mom a live, since you are the oldest - you had the most time with her, then Dixie.

Both of you helped raise ALL of us and I for one love you deeply and thank you for helping me grow into the person I am today.

I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Becca Posted


Becca posted a comment where you wrote something for her birthday. Just wanted to let you know since it has been a while.

Birthday List:

Sarah August 22
Becca February 21
Ava May 15
Nicholas October 26
Jimmy January 25
Big Jimmy January 2

I'm Back!!!!!!

Hello everyone,

I haven't been here I had trouble getting on. Missed you all very much.

All is well here. We have signed all the kids up for karate except for Lil J of course. Nicholas is so cut out there.

Mom, thanks for the sweet birthday blog. I am just now getting to read it and it really touched me.

Hope all is well with everyone else. I am so glad to be back.




Speaking of all these wonderful Birthday's. Rebekah has one this month too. On March 18th. just after Val's Birthday, Rebekah will be 15 and getting her learner's permit as well. DRIVING already yikessssss. lol How did you get to be 15 so fast Rebekah?
Love you kiddo


Hi Sis
I think I can add to the blog now, not sure.
I did have to creat a new e-mail account to get on.
Its dixiebel@gmail.com
So this is a test.
love ya

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Happy Birthday Susan: My Baby Sister:

Dear Susan:

I can hardly believe that it has been 43 years since the day you were born! I remember the day Mom told us that she was expecting and Dixie and I were so excited to be having another baby around the house.

From the moment you were born; I practically claimed you as my own. Frankie and I still talk about how I took you on our dates! You had such a wonderful time at the drive in movies and I was safe from the boy. Ya know? :)

I took you with me almost everywhere and loved every second of it. I was so proud when you took your first wobbly steps. And when you started talking. You were such a beautiful baby and a precious little girl; so sweet.

I love you so much! And I miss you so much it hurts too!

Susan, I hope you have a wonderful birthday and please know I will be thinking about you on your special day.

Love your big sister,


Happy Birthday Dear Baby Brother:

Happy Birthday Eric! I know I am one day early but that is okay.

It was great talking to you on the phone Monday. I loved every second of it. I was also happy to learn that when you were laid up in pain you started using your art again; oil paintings. I would love to see these. Could you please scan them and upload to this site? If you have a problem; you can email me the image and I can do this for you.

Anyway back to the birthday wishes. I can't believe that it has been 52 years since you were born. You were such a beautiful baby and even cuter toddler. Dixie and I had a wonderful time dressing you up in little girls clothing and you were too cool letting us get away with this.

Mom used to say; you were late in learning how to walk because you had two eager sisters at your command. She said all you had to do to get what you wanted was to point and grunt at the same time and we ran to get it for you! Don't even try this at home!

I am so happy that you are my brother and proud too. It has been way too long since we have seen each other and I miss you so much it hurts my heart. I am crying as I write this. I need my brother. I need to feel those wonderful quiet times we used to share when we were kids. We are so close and I miss you.

I do not need to dissect anymore live frogs with you again though. I cannot believe we did this. Well I did it and you watched with utter fascination. I sliced right into that frog's sternum and we got to see it's beating heart. But too bad it did not survive my first and last attempt at open heart surgery. It was a big ole bull frog too wasn't it?

I hope your birthday is a special one and that you have a wonderful day surrounded by your beautiful family!

I love you very very much!

Love your big sister,


Posting to the Blog With The Right Email Addresses:

I think I know why some people are having trouble posting. You can only view and post using the email account you used when joining this site. The blog administration only recognizes those email addresses.

I have made everyone an administrator. Check out Settings; which is found in the menu above the text boxes to see who everyone is and their email addresses. http://www2.blogger.com/blog-permissions.g?blogID=8557104083665248803

Since everyone is an administrator; you can also send out invites to people you want to see this blog.

I hope this helps ya'll with posting.



Thank you Morgan:

Wow! For the way you write too! Awesome and I am impressed! and you write like an adult too.

Yeah Morgan we are book snobs for sure. That made me smile a big one.

Thank you dear Grandson!

I just wanted to let you all know that Barbara has had the surgery and is home recuperating. I have given her a new nickname (all in loving fun) of Marilyn Monroe. Now all she needs is a hair color change.

All kidding aside; this is a painful surgery and she is doing just fine in spite of the post op pain. Honestly? I think it is very brave of her; to recognize that she would feel better about herself if she had this surgery and then to go ahead and do it.

I have always hated; just hated my nose. And wished I had had the courage and the money to have it fixed. Never did get that wish.


Grandma Cookie/Nancy/Mom/Sister


Hey, This is Morgan, I couldn't remember my old password so I logged in as my mom's account. Anyway, sorry I haven't been on in forever and blah blah blah. But my main point which you can see from the title of my post, is about the thing that grandma made on my birthday. Grandma, take it from me, because you know I'm a book snob like you are, you should be a writer. You just used a lot of cool adjectives and told it like it was in a book. I was way impressed! Thanks Grandma!

Love, Morgan ;)