Friday, March 9, 2007

Catching Up:

It is good to see a lot of posts from the family and then Morgan and Big Jimmy's daughter Becca posting is great too!

I think that I am loosing the battle against diabetes. My doctor warned me strongly that I was heading this way in Sept. 2005. As far back as I can remember there has been some problems with my glucose levels and I had some serious issues with it when pregnant with Brian. Gestational diabetes.

I have been feeling very fatigued lately; more than normal. I am getting up to use the bathroom a few times a night which is not normal for me. Also I have a weird body odor; a sickly sweet smell that is scaring me. Some cuts from falling are not healing well. I have been having a great deal of pain in my feet for a few years now. And have been in denial about the possibility of being a diabetic. I had too many other health issues and the battles since I lost my job to concentrate on another problem. I am going to call my doctor and make an appointment tomorrow. I will let you all know what is up.

Life is very hard for me. I try so hard to make it. And to be cheerful. It is not easy being so alone like this. But not ready go give up and I keep saying to myself I can make it. I wish and pray everyday I can get better and be a part of this family again. I wish I could have some good news to report sometimes too. I am trying very hard to.



1 comment:

Beth said...

Hang in there mom. Let me know when you are ready for me to start looking for a place down here for you. You need to be around your family.