Thursday, March 22, 2007


9x11.5 on Strathmore watercolor paper 140lbs with Van Gogh WC paint and Winsor & Newton brushes

This is one I did last weekend. It is of a cabin in Cades Cove, TN. I found the reference photo in the library on the art site I hang out on. I hope you like it. I am having one heck of a time fighting Frankie for possession of brushes, small bottles of paint for washes and the tubes of paint and wc pencils. He also insists on drinking the water out of the yogurt cup I use for water. He rolls the small bottles off the table and under the bed. He takes the pencils and flips them up in the air and attacks them like they are mice. The tubes get batted around the house at 4am. I hide my stuff before going to bed but he always finds them. What to do! I think he is jealous of the time I spend painting and not on him.

Thank you Barb and Beth for the compliments about the new watercolor paintings. I am loving this medium though it is hard to control it as the paint just flows onto the paper and there isn't much control. It is done loosely and I have never been one to paint or even draw loosely; liking very detailed work. But I am doing it. LOL

I am having fun mixing colors. I mixed the blue from just two tubes of very expensive watercolor paint. This stuff is not cheap. And the paper; one has to use a heavy paper to avoid buckling and take all that water. I am glad that ya'll like them.

The one of Maureen O'hara is done completely in watercolor paints so I think I can take on the portraits ya'll want me to do for you.

Phyllis wants me to do a portrait of all five grandchildren. Beth wants me to do a portrait and Barb you wanted me to do the one of you and Zoe. So send me the reference photos so I can get started. :)

Let me see if I can find some more fun photos of you girls with your baby brother. I loved it when you guys dressed him up too complete with my wig. You guys made me laugh so hard so many times when you were kids. I almost peed my pants laughing every single day!



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