Things you taught me Mom that have not been forgotten and always appreicated:
Don't judge a book by its cover. That is a no brainer to figure out what she meant by that. She also said the most beautiful book in the world often after being opened will find blank pages. How true.
Walk a mile in someone else's shoes. If we came home from school carrying tales of bullys remarks and hurtful things said by other students about someone that didn't fit the mold of beauty and/or intelligence. She stopped us short with that quote. We did not get away with making fun of others as it should be.
If you feel insecure for whatever reason; imagine everyone around you as a naked sheep. It surely will make you feel better about yourself and more confident. I remember her telling me this the night before my first speech in front of the class. I could hardly stop giggling from the visualizations.
She taught me how to love my children unconditionally no matter what. And that I should tell them how much I love them every time I see or speak to them. That are departing words should always be of love. One never knows what could happen.
She also taught me it is so good if you show your children that it is okay to display affection with each other. She was so into touching, kissing and hugging all of us.
I started "mothering" my siblings around my fifth birthday when Eric was born. So by the time I was almost ready to give birth to Barbara I felt pretty confident I could handle being a mother from the experience of my childhood. I was so wrong.
I remember that day at the door saying good bye to John and six- day old Barbara was in my arms. I walked back into the bedroom with her and almost paniced. What the heck am I supposed to do if she wakes up? LOL Having your own child and the responsibilites motherhood brings is a whole lot difference than taking care of siblings.
I suppose the thought of Barbara's complete dependence on me for life was a scarey thought to a barely 19 year old girl. We made it though. She was a tough little baby and we did it together. By the time Beth came along I was a pro with Momma's help.
I remember the day Momma saw her namesake for the first time and the loving expression on her face like it was yesterday. I spent many months there living with Momma and she really taught me so much about taking care of a baby. She did it with loving advice and gentle nudges. And how to bathe a baby Momma was an expert. Bath time isn't just for getting a baby clean. It is all about the comfort and touch a mother brings to her baby during bath time. And the special massages afterwards. Those were the best times.
Believe it or not I miss those times very very much! All three of my kids loved bath time because they knew they were in for a treat with massage, sweet tickles and loving kisses from head to toe.
Momma taught me the importance of complimenting your children often. And with much more words about intelligence, strength of character, loyalty, etc. vs just telling a child how pretty or handsome they are. Compliment and encourage them in the things that really count. And I have tried to do this most of my life as a mother. And to tell them how proud you are of them too and keeping this up even when they are no longer kids. And really this hasn't been difficult at all to do for my kids.
Momma had some hard times when we were children. But considering everything she did the best she knew how and she shared her best with us; her children.
Momma told me that my biggest job in the world was to teach parenting to my own kids and that my goal in life should be to teach them to be a better parent than I was. She was right so right about that.
Momma taught me patience too no matter how tough it was in life if you worked hard you would succeed. Maybe we didn't get everything we wanted but if we were patient we would enjoy the journey.
She always tried to show us how to look on the bright side of life. When we were small she tried to make us believe the new state we were being transferred to was a new and very magical place that awaited us. She taught us how to make friends and keep them too. And it wasn't all about how many friends you have but how close you were to the friends you have.
I miss my mother terribly. Every day. She was a good woman with a kind heart and a great ability to love. Unconditionally. Yes, I even miss her quotes from Ben Franklin too. I am so sorry there are so many members of this family that never had the honor and the fun of meeting my Momma.
Happy Mother's Day to all the women in our family and I hope the day is special for you.
To all the teenagers; how about fixin' your mother breakfast in bed on Sunday with a flower in a small vase on the tray. Those are special moments Mothers cherish.
I love you Mom!
1 comment:
Thanks Sis for the memory lane trip with you and Mom. Was a nice journey.
Love you too
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