Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Gift For the Family:

This has been on my mind for years and years. My daughter Barbara has an old professional photograph of my mother; it is large perhaps 11x14 and in old sepia tones with some color. I think we all know which photo it is; it was taken when she was about 17 in a long gown. A very beautiful gown that was typical for the time period 1947.

Barbara, could you please make a copy of photo for me. You may have to take it to Office Depot or some place like this. And could you do it in the next few weeks or so? Thank you Barbara. And yes even if you have the original you can still have one. :)

I want to get started on this portrait right away.

When I am done I will take it somewhere to have copies made for anyone in the family who would like one. When it is done I will post it here. If you do want one; just send me an appropriate sizeed, self addressed and stamped mailing envelope. I have been saving up pieces of cardboard to put in these envelopes so the portrait won't get messed up during the mailing.

This is something that is very important to me and I am in love with the idea of painting Mom. What media I haven't decided yet. I am practicing now with some sketches of Mom from photos I have here at home. And will try out different medias. Most likely it will be graphites or just my good drawing pencils. I may even post WIPs (works in progress). The finished portrait will be done on some expensive paper I have here. The copies will be made on some paper that is not high gloss. That takes away from the effects of the drawing.

It is my gift of love for you all; a portrait of Momma at 17 when she was young and her heart full of dreams about us her future family.


Nancy, Mom, Auntie, Grandma Cookie

PS And yes even the kids can have one as they should.

1 comment:

Dixie said...

Oh Cool
Yes Count me in on that one. I love that pic of Momma.
I love the one of Barbara too. Our family sure is blessed with Beautiful ladies.
We have a few cute fella's as well but don't tell them I said they were cute.
Allen's Head is big enough already.
Love, Dee