Friday, March 16, 2007

The Cold Weather is Back!

Well just in time for the weekend and it is raining too. But we need the rain.

Beth, I am glad that Nick is getting better. I know how hard it must be to monitor this young man with a broken toe and hurt toenail. Protecting kids when they hurt themselves is not easy. And then when they do hurt their boo boo they blame their mommies and daddies. Broken toes hurt and there is not too much that can be done about it.

Ava & Becca; girls will be girls. LOL How I remember what it was like being your age. All adults were the enemy. They said no just to piss me off and deny me the things I wanted. Grown ups are so not smart. And highly irritating and embarrassing to hang around with.
Funny story about Barbara (your auntie) when she was 13 or so. We used to shop at KMart. And yes sometimes I did buy their clothes there. Oops! The equivalent of buying clothes at Wal Mart today! No! No!

We were planning a trip to the KMart and Barbara balked. She explained how it would mean the end of her world if one of her friends saw her there. I let her talk it out. Then I said she had to go because I could not leave her at home alone. And told her that if she saw one of her friends there that they would have to keep it a secret from the rest of the kids at school. Then she told me a joke What do birds say when they fly over KMart? Cheep Cheep Cheep!

I cannot believe my niece will be 15 on Sunday. Well she will get her own thread for this.

Dixie, thank you for posting a birthday thread for Valerie. I wasn't feeling very well yesterday; two doctors appointments.

I tried to save your reduced size photos to my Photos on Yahoo and it refused them. This happened before at Christmas time; Yahoo only took three of the six photos you sent me. Do you have a virus on your computer? I am wondering.

Here is the page with the step by step instructions on how to upload photos. Give it a shot. Just print it out; go step by step to do it. It is really very easy. Just give it a try. If you just cannot let me know here and I will try again.

I wish more of us would post pictures here. Ya'll are going to be red faced when you see how simple it is to upload photos. I have faith that ya'll can do it.

Well I am in group therapy where I really didn't want to be. I would be apprehensive of accidentally saying she rather than he in this neck of the woods. The Pronoun Game; we call it. The therapist; Jill wanted me to be in the depression group. I feel that my depression is a direct result of the pain I am feeling.

When the pain is really bad like from the bad weather; or if I have done too much, or didn't get enough sleep or slept in a bad position the depression gets deep. When the weather is good and I have been taking good care, the depression lifts a lot.

So we decided together that I should attend the Chronic Pain group. I told her about the Spoon Theory on She liked it a lot.

I went to SE Pain and my shrink yesterday. I am exhausted from all the driving. I saw the PA and she had never had a patient with fibro and myofacial pain syndrome so she had to palpitate as many trigger and tender points she could find. Those little boggers do not like to be poked at all. Last night was bad.

I am on two new meds. Elavil, which is a common drug used to treat the pain and fatigue of fibro. I can't believe no doctor has suggested it yet. Almost all of the fibro people I know use this medication. And I am back on Celexa the first anti-depressant I ever used which was very good. She was very doubtful of the side affects I reported on Cymbalta; contributed it to getting off wellbutrin four months before? Oh well. Bottom line this medication messed with my head big time and I am not taking it anymore despite her urging me too.

So Beth, the three months supply of Cymbalta I have here is all yours. As soon as ya'll get up here that is.

I don't think I have posted any paintings for March yet. I haven't done that many. I have been out in the yard working when I had the chance.

Barbara, how are you feeling? It has been two weeks since the surgery. You should be feeling a lot better by now. I think you should post a photo of the New You! Seriously!!!!!!!!!

Dixie, may I have the pleasure of doing your daughter's birthday thread? Okay I have to go to do some errands now. Getting my new scripts filled. Wish me luck!

Oh about the letter to Choice Hotels? Has anyone written them yet? I did get a letter from the manager of the Sleep Inn. He said that they could not allow me to swim there because the pool was for guests only. That is a reason but not good enough. With some pressure perhaps we can persuade them to change their minds. Some of my internet friends are writing too. I have my fingers crossed permanently for his.

Take care everyone and Spring is almost here!



1 comment:

Beth said...


I love these pictures. Ava said the bottom one looked like me. Very nice thing for her to say since that lady is so pretty.

You are so talented.
