Friday, June 15, 2007

Hi Beth

Hi sweetie, I know how you feel about going back to work. Thanks why I looked after kids in my home for so many years was to be able to stay home with my kids. But that's not a job for everyone.
I am trying so hard to find work too. Shame I'm not up there cause I could look after the Lil guys for you two.
I'll Pray and something good will come your way. You and Jim are good people. God will bless you.
love, Auntie Dee

1 comment:

Beth said...

Thanks Aunt D,

I was reading back over my blog from yesterday and it was so whiny and full of complaints. We are thankful for what we have I am just really down thinking of putting the boys in daycare. I wish you were here to because I know you would take excellent care of them. Why were you in the hospital? Is everything okay? I will pray for you too. Please call if you need anything. I love you and miss you.