Friday, May 25, 2007

Fanily Gathering


I spoke with my Friend's Jean and JoAnn - JoAnn is a go for the date change, Jean will let me know.

Val and I have a sister's weekend this weekend in Ormond Beach, FL - We will go by Grandpa's on Sunday and I will discuss with the entire gang in Florida and will let you know by Tuesday at the the latest.

I am OK with the date change.

Check with Dee, Angie and Nancy....

I noticed that Beth is not on the list, did you have a change to see if she would be willing to attend with the kids, even if Jim can't get the time off? You know Grandpa is going to pay for them to attend.

We would love for them to come, but we understand if she can't.....

I love you all and hope that the date change is not a problem.



Beth said...

Hey Susan,

Thank you for thinking of us. We want to attend so badly but we have a lot going on with our family right now. I cannot fathom one more thing on my plate even if it is fun. I miss you all. I am going to call grandpa and thank him for his generous offer and see if we can come visit this summer.

Love you,


Dixie said...

Hi Barb and Susie
I gotta hand it to yeah, you are doing a great job trying to put this reunion together and hold it together.
Its a lot of work and a Big Family to gather together in one spot.
Well done and love you