Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Thanks Barb for the update!

This is me trying to set up my tent in the Blue Ridge a few years ago!
Wow 30 that is a big group? Cool!

Barb, you have been busy lately and perhaps did not notice that I am not a Maybe afterall. Over a month ago I became a Yes when Susan offered to treat me to the costs of the reunion. Dixie and her family too. Thanks again Susan. Didn't want you to be shocked when you get the check from Susan and she paid too much. That is what the extra is for; moi. :)

Beth, I am disappointed that you and your family will not be able to attend. I was so looking forward to sharing my tent with Ava and Becca! But I understand.

By October, I will be living in Atlanta and had planned on driving to the reunion with Beth and gang as I will be living under their roof. So Barb, may I ride with you and your gang to the reunion?

It is sad that the rules on Cumberland Island about reservations are so strict that it doesn't allow people to change their minds about coming. I understand the reasons. But still maybe something could have come up to allow Beth and gang to be there. Oh well. :(

This weekend it is supposed to be nice out without any chance of rain. So I am going to get my tent out of the box and begin practicing setting it up. While I am at it I will also give it a good shampoo, let it air dry, pack it up and put it in the house rather than the shed. I don't want to accidentally carry any spideys with me. Ick!

Will I need to bring my coleman stove? Or are there grills there at the campsite? Or other coleman stoves? I do like to make expresso on the stove in the morning while on camping trips. Hot, strong and sweet! Kick starts my aching back. LOL

The only thing I need to buy is an air mattress and I think I can pull that off before October.

Eric a few years ago taught me a neat thing to do with those outdoor solar lights. I have two actually lanterns on stakes along the sidewalk. I will be bringing them and do not have to worry about propane lantern in the tent. They are bright enough to read by at night. Eric, thanks again for that neat idea.

Okay it is late and I am pooped. I spent the last three days cutting my front yard; it was 18 inches high and takes awhile with the lightweight weed wacker. Tomorrow I start on the back yard and the grass is even higher. Darn it.

Hugs to all and I am so excited about this reunion!


Nancy/Mom/Grandma Cookie
PS Congrats on learning how to upload photos Dee Dee. Becca sure is beautiful!

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