Monday, March 19, 2007

Dear Grandchildren:

Hey Morgan, I did not know about your interest in football. Very cool. Just be careful out there okay? Weight training is good stuff. You are going to have lots of muscles in a few months. How about a picture?

Zoe, keep up with your dancing girl. I hope I can come to see your recital some day soon. I would like nothing better than to see you dance. I love to dance too.

Nick, how is that foot healing up? I hope you are doing okay and not hurting too much!

Ava, I miss talking to you. How is school doing?

Becca, how are you doing? And your boyfriend?

Sarah, I hope you are doing well too. 16, I can't believe you are 16 already.

Little Jimmy, it is so hard to believe you are running all through the house. The last time I saw you; you were still tiny and I just loved holding you in my arms. And having you lay next to me in your sleep after I fed you.

I miss my grandchildren so much. And I am hoping that I get somewhat better so I can come to visit you all. It has been too long now.


Grandma Cookie

1 comment:

Beth said...

We miss you too mom.