Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Dear Jimmy & Beth: Thank you

for helping me today by paying my telephone bill. I appreciate it so much. Very very much! I will be sending you a check the second that tax refund check comes in. Our luck it will probably come in tomorrow's mail.

I was trying to be brave about the possibility of not having phone service. But the thought was scarey. I count on my phone to get help if I need it and to stay in contact with my family, friends and on line buddies. It had been bothering me so much since I found out the cut off date on Friday. Like I need one more thing darn it.

I am going to have a yard sale on Friday and Sat.; the weather will be perfect. I feel up to it this year. I did so well in 2005 but I could not manage in last year. I am going to try to sell some paintings this weekend too.

I think the new medication for depression is kicking in so fast. I feel more optomistic than I have in a long time.

Anyway thank you both so very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is some stuff I have been doing with watercolors. Barb & Scott sent me birthday money and I spent it at Hobby Lobby buying watercolor paints and heavy paper. I hope ya'll like these.


PS I want to talk to Nick on the phone. Let me know when he is smiling and wanting to talk to Grandma Cookie please. :)

1 comment:

Beth said...

Your welcome mom!