Thursday, March 15, 2007

Maddux Household

Hello again!

I hope everyone is well and enjoying this spring weather. We are all doing good here.

Nicks toe is slowly mending, it was broken by the way. Very hard for a busy 4 year old who is in karate and baseball. He can't do either right now and has not been in school. He will go back to school on Friday. I will find out on Tuesday when he can resume his extracurricular activities.

The girls are doing well. All the girls are making A's and B's and are doing well except for the attitudes from Ava and Becca. I think it is the age thing not that we are allowing them to get away with it. Sarah is a joy right now at almost 16. She went through her drama early and has now gotten herself together.

Little Jimmy is walking and into everything. He is trying to talk. He says thank you, dada, good, all done, Becca, yes, and stop. Although we are the only ones that recognize the words, he calls me and Jim dada. He is a good little boy but very outgoing. He is doing the usual 13 month old temper tantrums but they are very short lived. Hopefully, they will stay that way. I guess he realizes they don't work because I just walk away from him when he does it.

Jims back is doing 99% better thanks to a good chiropractor. It is so nice not to see him in pain all the time and not be able to do anything to help him. I wish I could say the same for you mom.

Anyway, that is the update here. Would love to read about what everyone is up to?

Barbara, how is the baby? I can't wait to see more pictures.



1 comment:

Nancy Ann said...

Jimmy, I am so happy that you are feeling better. Just take it easy as much as you can and try to use good sound body mechanics when working and lifting things.

Picking up something that weighs 20lbs the wrong way puts 400lbs of pressure on the back.

I am glad to hear Sarah is doing so much better. Beth you and your husband will survive having two teenage girls at the same time. Trust me on this!

Ava & Becca; talk to your parents! Tell them what is bothering you if there is something. Parents despite what you may believe used to be a teenager too and felt much of what you are feeling now. So be open and honest with them no matter what.

Nick, I am so sorry about your broken toe! I hope you feel better soon!