Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Bekah and Julia

Hi Dixie:

I am so sorry it has taken so long to get your photos up here on the Blog. But they are here at last. Your daughter and her friend Julia are beautiful young women now. I remember when Julia was an infant and you were taking care of her while her mother worked. And now look at them both.
Bekah, I see that blue chewing gum! LOL
With the warmer weather I am feeling better. Getting outside a lot and working in the yard. It took me ten days to cut my grass. The weeds were a foot tall and the battery kept running out. It should be easy to maintain now that it is short; the grass that is.
Beth, I am glad that you are feeling better and that your husband has recovered so well! It was great talking to him on the phone Sunday!
Nick, Grandma Cookie wants to talk to you! Very much! I l0ve you kiddo! If you talk to me I will give you a cookie! Beth and your Daddy are coming to visit me. So I am going to make some chocolate chip cookies and you can have one but ya got to talk to me on the phone first okay? You do like chocolate chip cookies right?
Beth, I am sending you home with these cookies. Could you put some in the freezer and save for Morgan and Zoe please? It isn't very often that I feel well enough to bake. So these will become Collector Items and probably worth millions. LOL
Have ya'll been watching Dancing With the Stars? Heather Mills did a backward walkover flip last night and I was amazed. I always cheer her on. She is an amazing person doing all she does with just one leg and the other one artificial. My mouth was hanging open when I saw her do it and then I stood up and cheered. Scared the cats and set the dog to barking. LOL
Beth, I am very proud of you for getting back into Karate and Kick Boxing. Get good so you can kick some a**! Start with the smart aleck instructor. LOL
Mom, Grandma Cookie,Nancy

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