Sunday, January 7, 2007

Beth? How Is Little Jimmy Feeling Today?

Better I hope. Give him a Grandma Cookie kiss for me please.

I hate the winter time. Low pressure knocks the wind out of my sails. I can't think I hurt so much. The fibro gets the joints. The myofacial pain takes care of muscles, ligaments and tendons. Today feels like someone injected me with Texas Pete's. The tissues on the insides of both knees are the worst. And along the inside of both shins from kneecap to ankles; very very tender.

Fibro sends these little squiggly electric type shocks; very fast and short lasting. But there are a lot of them. If I listen to my body on days like this it is like being at the front row of a Kiss concert.

I just wait for spring as it always improves things a lot.


Beth said...

He is feeling better. Last night was a bit rough though. He is still hanging onto this little irritating cough and at 10:30 I gave him some cough syrup. Well, it jacked him up and he was up until 2:00 am playing like it was 8:00 in the morning. Now he is grumpy and I finally got him to go back to sleep after breakfast. I have to wake him up soon though to pick Nick up from school. Ho hum, such is life. But the rash is about gone!

Nancy Ann said...

Beth I am sorry he still is not feeling better! Give him a kiss for me!

Sorry ya'll didn't get much sleep either...........

Maybe the bad storms got to him too!

