Saturday, January 13, 2007

Okay Here are a few poems for you guys

I wrote this and gave it to Ayan when Zoe was a day old.


When we look into her eyes we will….

See your heart and soul
Understand the difficult choice you made
Thank you for such a special gift
Never forget your trust in us
Tell her how much you love her
Look at her and see you
We will look into her eyes and see our connection is forever.

When we look into her eyes we will…

See your courage and strength
Understand what you saw in us
Thank you for giving of yourself for her
Never forget our promises to you
Tell her how we waited for you to find us
Look at her she will see our love for her and you
When we look into her eyes we will be forever thankful for you



Sister we are, that is what we will be
Together bound by love you and me
Understanding each other with no words spoken
Our hearts and souls is our token
Watching our children learn and grow
Seeing them move into the world with friend and foe
Our destiny chosen from the Lord above
We're more than blood;the tide that binds us is love

For Beth aka cheese lots of love from the other cheese
A Special place in my heart for my Aunt Kay

I sit here and wonder where years have gone.
Happy that we are friends, it took too long.

It is the little things you do that make life so sweet.
Together we talk and laugh; now I feel complete.

The things that I do and say have made me the woman I have become.
I am a better person because of my Auntie’s advice and love.

So my birthday wish for you here today.
Know that you have a special place in my heart everyday.
Morgan, Our son we love

They say the day your parents you will be proud
That statement spoken was more than profound

We don’t know about all that will change
All will be different and so much to rearrange

You walk, talk, and learn so fast
The time has passed so quickly, we can’t grasp

We stand so proud of your kindness and heart
Lesson we teach, you’ll soon know your part

The world holds conflicts, sorrow, and fear
Steps to be a man, you’ll look back the years

You make us so proud of who you are and who you will be come.Always remember family’s arms open for you with love.

Okay there you go, these are just a few.

Let me know what you think.




Beth said...

You made me cry dear sister. What beautiful poems.

Angie said...

Nice writing! I really like "Sister" because I'm so close to my little sister. Keep up the good work.