Tuesday, January 2, 2007

If Mom Was Alive She Would Have Loved This Song:

Waiting for the world to change by John Mayer. Because Mom was always ready to make positive changes in her world starting with her children. She believed that under our skin we are all the same. She never let us forget it either and we were caught up short putting anyone down for any reason. Her standard reply when we had a tale to tell was "Try walking a mile in that person's shoes and then see if you feel the same way about that person."

I can only answer for myself but when I did what Mom asked I never did look at those persons in the same light again. I have made efforts all my life to try not to judge others. Maybe I wasn't always successful but I give it a shot every day.

This tradition was passed along to my children who are teaching the lesson to their kids. What a great tradition to have and pass along.

I think this was one of the most valuable lessons I learned from my mother. I know where she got her motto too; from her father Eric George Shaw who was one of the most kindest and gentlest of souls ever born. I feel sad for those in this family who never met this wonderful quiet spoken man that Eric is named for. He passed in 1982; not long after being diagnosed with cancer during a routine physical when preparing for a trip to China.

Today I was watching Oprah and came up with an idea. If you didn't see the show today try to catch it when it comes back on or check out her web site. I was in awe and cried through most of the show. Such a positive message was sent out by a group of high school students and their teachers.

1 comment:

Dixie said...

Hi Sis
I don't really know anything about blog's.
I know My Mom was an awesome teacher to me about being a Mother.
I love her Dearly and Miss her.
I hope I have made her proud in the way I have taken care of my daughters.
Even though I know I fail many times.
When I do we try to make things right.
Grandpa Eric was all you said he was for sure.
He was a wonderful Christian man. I first learnd about God from Grandpa Eric.
He was a great Father and awesome Grandpa. I miss him too.
I love you Nancy xxx