Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Instructions for blogging here:

right now this site is set for anyone to read it. If ya'll would like this site to be only accessible and readable by just the family let me know and I can change the settings.

I invited several members already. If you know want me to invite others you can post it on the blog or email me and I will add their names.

With this invitation you will be able to post here, start topics, upload lots of photos, etc. You will need to sign in each time. You may have to open an Google account. I am not sure about that. But it is easy. I will be glad to help all of ya'll.

Only thing is that I ask ya'll not to mess with the settings, template, etc. It can mess things up big time. LOL

You can use this blog to talk about whatever comes to mind.

I would love to see the entire family in here taking part and making it something we can be proud of. We can cover family history, share accomplisments, favorite movies, favorite colors, etc. There is no limit.

As far as photos, to see a larger version just click on the thumbnail!

So if you have a question please post it on this page.

Love you all,

Nancy/Mom/Grandma Cookie

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