Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Getting Out More:

Frankie sent me this photo a year or so ago. It was taken when I was 16. I had to lighten it up in Paint Shop Pro. Hey, show this to the kids. They'll get a kick out of it. LOL

Even though most days, it feels better and more comfortable in bed. I have to force myself to get out. I am okay and enjoy being with others while I am there. The preparation and the drive is the hard part. I have to spend too many spoons getting there.

Tomorrow afternoon, I am going to help someone who is a lot sicker than I. She needs help getting to the grocery store; she can't drive because of her illness. It is going to be a long day. After the grocery store we are going to go someplace for lunch; she is treating me to lunch. Then rest at her place and she is taking me to her Life Lessons class. That is an art school that meets once a week using live models for painting, drawing etc. I have never done anything like this. And the models will be nude. That will be a shocking experience for me. LOL The class lasts until 9:30 and the first lesson is free. I don't know how those models have the nerve to sit, stand or lie up there without clothes in front of strangers. I should get home around 11pm.

On Friday, I will be going to a meeting for women. I used to facilitate this group up until the accident and have only been back twice in seven years. The meeting will be 1 and 1/2 hours and one of the members has invited me to dinner after.

The weekend most likely I will be resting. That is a lot of activity and I am scared.


Beth said...

You can do it mom. Please don't be scared. It will be good for you to get out around friendly people.



Barbara A. said...


You can do this. It will make you stronger!!! Being around other people will help you so much.



Nancy Ann said...

Thank you daughters!

I have never sat in a session before with a bunch of nakkid men and women; models. What do I look at? LOL For the male models, I will prop up my sketchbook; hunker down and do a portrait. Eeeek!

I had dinner with Gayle (Beth she said hello to you and was pleased that you told me to say hi to her). She is not bad for a Republican. ;)

She hired me to do a mural on a wall in a new room she is having added to her house. A good commission!

Beth, let me know how Little Jimmy is. And give him a sweet get well kiss from his grandmother.

Barb, where is Morgan? It was fun to see him on here. He might find the photos fun!

Love you all,

Mom/Grandma Cookie

Beth said...

That sounds so cool. I cannot wait for you to get down here and see the murals that I did in Jimmys room.

Jimmy is having another rough night. I just got him to sleep and have been trying since 8:00. He is about over the sickness but his molars coming in are really giving him the blues. I gave him Tylenol at 7:30, 1/2 dose of Motrin at 8:30 and anbesol swabs. He wanted to go to sleep so bad but as soon as he would fall asleep a new wave of pain would come. The docs say don't use anbesol but screw that. That is the only thing that would give him some relief. Pray that he stays asleep, he needs the rest badly.


P.S. Glad you had fun tonight.