Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A couple poems from Angie

I am back! It's getting to be the busy time of year for me, but I will post when I can. I'm having a pretty good week so far, even though I don't like the cold weather we've been having. I'm soooo ready for the summer. I have more asthma symptoms in the winter so that's another reason why I dislike this season. I recently saw Night at the Museum. If anyone hasn't seen this movie you should! It's so funny to me! I have a myspace account if anyone has one and wants to see it. I have a few art pieces in my "pics" that were done in photoshop. By the way, can anybody tell me how to put pics on here? I could also put up a little artwork if I knew how. Well, here are a couple poems, I hope you enjoy.


Expectations are hard masters.
They crack the whip on the backs of humanity
Around the clock, with no letting up.
They don't sleep, they don't blink.
They don't allow a second of hesitation or second-guessing.
Where do they come from?
They were created by you and me.
Conjured up straight from the human mind,
These beasts are born and then immediately
Begin to concher the heartlands of humanity.
They are everywhere, they are inescapable.
It is inevitable my friend, there is no use to run.
You might as well surrender now.
Meet their demands and they may go away for a time.

The Time For Winter is But an Hour

Just when the season has reached its worst,
A beacon of heaven's light arrives
To warm the coldest climates.
The time for winter is but an hour
(but there is a place for it).
The night lasts only a breath.
One hand of cards deals misfortune
while the next brings the royal luck.
If you've turned the corner only to arrive
At a dark alley, keep going until
You reach the mansion on the next block.


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